Buddha Meditation Journal

The text in this journal is a modernized version of very ancient verses originally attributed to the Buddha. The Buddha didn't mince words when telling people what they needed to know to reach happiness and these simple verses are very dear to the hearts of Buddhists everywhere.

How to Use this Journal

Of course, you can use this journal any way you like! You can scribble limericks, keep grocery lists, or review old television shows.

But! You can use each page as a “thought for the day” and then ignore the quotes and use the lined pages as a record of your daily journey.

You can doodle on the left page under the quote or you can cut pictures out of magazines and glue them there.
You can use the quotes as writing prompts.

The Buddha once said “Do not believe in anything simply because you have heard it. ... Do not believe in anything simply because it is found written in your religious books. ... But after observation and analysis, when you find that anything agrees with reason and is conducive to the good and benefit of one and all, then accept it and live up to it.”

You have permission to argue with the quotes. You can analyze them and see how they fit with your life or not. You can modify them into something more suitable to you.

You can do a mix of all of the above.

This is your book.

Available on Amazon $9.49

The Pocket Darwin

Pretty much everyone thinks they understand evolution and a few people actually do. Many, maybe most, do not.

The Pocket Darwin presents Charles Darwin and his "dangerous" idea in a short, easy-to-read form.

In September of 1837 Charles Darwin wrote “In July opened first notebook on transmutation of species. Had been greatly struck from about the previous March on character of South American fossils, and species on Galapagos Archipelago. These facts (especially latter), origin of all my views.”

When Darwin set sail on the Beagle in 1831, he was just 22 years old and had completed a degree in theology. He had every intention of returning in three years (instead of the five years the voyage actually took), to settle down to the life of a country pastor who collected beetles in his spare time. It didn’t work out that way. His round-the-world voyage on the Beagle changed his entire life and the course of science history.

Click here for the ebook version $2.99
Click here for the paper version $8.49

For You are Crunchy....

What they are saying about Black Jade Dragon

"The pacing is excellent, with non-stop action. There are many plot twists as well, which kept me guessing. Angie denies that she wants to help, but her actions belie her words. There is also a nice overlay of Buddhist sayings which really fit the various situations. The world on Shaolong Island seems very real and I felt as if I, too, were being chased by dragons." 
Read more at http://www.longandshortreviews.com/book-reviews/black-jade-dragon-by-susan-brassfield-cogan/

"Cogan has managed to write a great novel about dragons, magic pearls, invisible swords, and a down-on-her-luck thief who beats the odds. This is a really fantastic book and well worth your money."

Little Wicked Things

In the 19th century there were new marvels almost every year—steam engines, photography, telegraphs, trains. But after the Great Disaster everything seems to veer off in another direction. Rumors of wireless communication and electrical energy all die out. The marvels stop.

Then another disaster strikes—the assassination of elderly Queen Victoria and two of her sons. For a while the world collapses into mad chaos. Parliament is dissolved and Queen Victoria’s grandson, Prince Albert becomes the heir apparent. The Regency Committee rules with an iron fist, but they bring peace and order back into the nation.

Then, quietly at first, a third disaster. The monsters come.

Miriam Walker hunts them.

$2.99 on Amazon
Need it on paper? $10.99 on Amazon


The gentle art of murder.

Max Archer is a private detective who doesn't like Gregory Button (“he’d raise the hair on the neck of a stone idol”) but, at least at first, he can’t quite figure out why. Max has good instincts. Gregory is a contract killer with a popular specialty. He kills people with kindness. If Aunt Hattie needs to go gently into that good night, so you can collect the insurance money, Gregory is there to provide a quiet and painless exit. Upon request he can even make it look like death by accident or natural causes. Max complicates Gregory’s life when the Button Man is hired to kill Hart Freeman and Chou Seoul (do those sound like made up names to you?). They are a couple of con men who fleece people by offering them promises of eternal life.

Gregory teaches them just how inevitable death can be.

$2.99 at Amazon, Barnes & Noble, and Smashwords

Get a paper copy: $10.99 at Amazon